Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Grand Canyon Closed!

Finally, Grand Canyon National Park is closed. It's about time. Tourists were crowding at the view points and trashing the park because the visitor's center, rest rooms and other facilities were closed. It took Trump's toadies in Washington far too long to take this action.

I love the Grand Canyon. And I want all the people who work there to be safe from stupid tourists, some of whom are likely carrying and spreading the corona virus.

I was punished by Facebook a couple of months ago for writing "Americans are stupid," remember? Facebook said that was "hate speech." Well, many Americans are dumber than a bag of hammers. At least now they won't be infecting my canyon friends.

Okay </rant>. I'd rather write about a tiny pair of low rise shorts a colleague at the college gave me today. She's retiring finally at 74 years old and had the shorts in a "memory box" she started in the 60s. Am I a lucky girl or what? More later.

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