Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter and Trouble Free

The day after Easter is just another day. For that matter, Easter was just another day this year. I spent the day alone grading a few papers, cleaning house, puttering around the complex pool, and walking a few miles in the desert. Finally, I treated myself to pork chops (guilty pleasure) and Zoomed with family.

One day is so like another now.

My little friend Trouble ended her grounding from her mom this morning. She popped by not too long after I put my recycle bin out. I was still in my panties and top. Trouble didn’t seem to care as she had boy problems to discuss. We sipped orange juice on my patio and talked. Well, she talked and talked, I just listened, mostly.

So, another day. I sing the Beatles’ song "Ob la di, o-la-da" a lot lately.

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