Sunday, April 19, 2020

Boyshorts Bicycle Ride

I told my Facebook friends that I would wear a pair of boyshort panties as outerwear all week, starting today. The goal is to wear a different pair, along with a top of course, every day of the week, no matter if I stay at home or have to go out for a necessary errand.

This morning I didn't have a necessary errand, but I needed to get outside. I do this a few times a day for my sanity. Since it wasn't too warm yet -- a wonderful 74° -- a bicycle ride seemed the thing to do.

For my ride, I chose a pair of fully ruffled boyshorts (sometimes called tennis panties) and a cotton tank. I started off riding around the neighborhood and saw a few neighbors who waved as I rode by. Then I took off through a nearby park – yes, I am so lucky to have parkland all around my casita – and rode another three miles or so. There were quite a few people out getting their exercise. I didn’t get any stares, but I did get a few turnaround glances and smiles.

Heading home, I saw Trouble and her mom walking about a block from my casita. I waved from the distance, not really wanting to explain my outfit. I’m kind of wondering if either even noticed.

So, day one of “boyshorts week” is, so far, exhilarating.

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