Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sheltering in Place

I'm just "Sheltering in Place" in my little casita on the desert. The Arizona governor finally issued "stay at home" directives. It's no real change for me as I'm teaching online, trying to keep my students on track, and just chillin' at home.

My young friend Trouble has expressed an interest in learning about cinematography, so I'm going to get her started on the basics of setting, lighting and sound with her iPhone. It is truly amazing what one can do with an iPhone if the basics of mise en scéne are observed. But I think her interest is in making cute TikToks. At least it will get her out of Minecraft for a while.

I'm reading more, trying to get away from the computer, walking, jogging, riding my bicycle, helping get the community pool ready (it's 84° today). Swim suit season is almost here!

Much love to all my friends. My sentence in Facebook jail is over in 6 days. I think I will keep writing this little blog. I'd be thrilled if anyone "follows" it.

Be safe and be well.

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