Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Pool is Open!

My neighborhood association pool committee (including me) met with our pool maintenance reps today gathering around our little oasis, 10 ft. apart, to ensure we all understood CDC guidelines for pool safety during the COVID-19 crisis. Good news! Everyone agreed that all chemical levels, including chlorine and bromine, would be checked morning, noon, and night (overkill we know) since the water is now 72° and the daily air temps will reach over 100° this weekend. Pools use more chemicals the higher the water temperature. We set the rules for social distancing at the pool - 10 ft. apart not just six for extra safety because of chaise loungers, umbrellas, tables. etc. Also, no more than 10 people can use the pool at a time.The entire neighborhood agreed later via a Zoom meeting, so the pool is open!

I did break my "panties only" rule of the week and slipped into a swim suit for the meeting and to take my first official dip of the season. Several neighbors joined in. A few of use are going to gather at sunset for a "not closer than 10 feet" tequila toast to swim season.

Sheltering in my little casita-on-the-desert. Be safe, be well.

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