Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sheltering at Home and a Costco Story

I'm sheltering at home at home and grading papers. Not much news since my outing yesterday wearing only a pair of boyshort panties and a top.

I did get lucky at Costco. I stopped in the early morning, on my way to several errands, and the line to get in was around the building and snaked through the parking lot. A big sign read, "Out of toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox wipes ...." So I drove off, a little disgusted with the lines of hoarders. Then, later, I stopped back by. There was no line, no sign, so I went in. The entire back of the store was lined with toilet paper, paper towels and other paper products. Go figure. Those who would bull rush the store got nothing and those who waited, got what they needed.

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