Sunday, April 26, 2020

Saying Good-bye to Pants This Week

Those who know me are aware of my “Recycle Monday” tradition of rolling the recycle bin to the curb “bottomless.”

This week, I’m going to try a variation of “bottomless” by wearing nothing but a t-shirt, top or shirt, or anything that can pass for a micro mini dress every day through Saturday. Panties may or may not be worn, depending on what is going on any particular day.

This is my way of staying moderately sane while sheltering-at-home. I still get to satisfy my shy exhibitionism while walking or biking around the neighborhood. And, If I have to go to the market or somewhere “necessary,” I get the thrill of being out, dressed to tease.

Yes, I know this behavior is, at best, a little perverted. But I am careful and never impose my odd habits on anyone. My friends indulge me and know this is a part of who I am, and embrace me – well not since the virus, but you know what I mean.

I'll start out simply today with a t-shirt dress that is just long enough to cover me when I go outside.
Of course, if I go swimming I'll wear a swim suit.

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