Monday, April 6, 2020

Recycle Monday

I was feeling frisky this morning, so slipped on sheer little top to roll the recycle bin to the curb. It was fairly early, so the sun was just coming up. I didn't see anyone immediately, but I heard something in desert off to the side of my casita. Quietly, I moved slowly toward the sound. I couldn't believe what I saw -- a four point white tail buck with a doe. They both froze, looking straight at me the way deer do when they are not sure of what they see. I didn't move, or even breathe for a few moments. The deer spooked, as did I, when I heard a camera click behind me. Two neighbors had silently walked over to the see the deer too and one was clicking pictures on his phone as fast as he could. The deer ran off, leaving me standing there, all but naked in my flimsy top. I could feel myself blushing brightly and my pulse pounding. Moreover, I realized that my neighbor had been shooting pictures of more than the deer! I dropped my hands to cover my girl bits as best I could, said something like "goodness, I better get back inside," and dashed back into my casita. I hope my neighbor enjoys the wild life photos!

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