Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Working From Home Keeping Social Distance

Like so many around the world I'm working from home, staying home mostly (hunkering down), and keeping a six foot "social distance" if I do go out. I'm trying to keep up my spirits, but when I see shelves empty at the supermarket and people buying $600 worth of groceries at a time, hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer, I worry. Why can't people leave a little something on the shelf for those who may not have anything? And I hear gun and ammo sales are skyrocketing. What are people going to do? Protect their toilet paper?

If you are worried about having enough toiler paper, why don't you subscribe to home delivery of a newspaper? You will receive a new supply every day, have something to read on the potty, and thus, be better informed.

Since I am not going out and the weather is warm enough in the desert southwest, I'm working and padding around the house mostly naked. Why put on clothes when you don't have to? My close friends and neighbors are accustomed to me running about in just my skin, but I do keep a beach cover-up handy just in case the UPS guy appears on my doorstep.

Be safe out there and be well.


  1. Love it! I often go nakie or half nakie at home when it's warm enough weather. Stay safe and naughty! <3

  2. Love it! I kinda do that all year long
