Sunday, March 22, 2020

Getting Out

Yes, I am "sheltering in place." But those of us lucky enough to live in Tucson, surrounded by mountains, have lots of open space to get out and go hiking right outside our doors. I have been taking long hikes, enjoying the fresh air, wild flowers (and pollen) and soaking up sunshine. It's a great relief from the feelings of being closed in and isolated during this difficult time.

I have a friend who lives in Milan who has shared what her life is like now. It breaks my heart to hear her stories, knowing that some of my friends in the U.S. are now facing the same kinds of fear and restrictions. I know I am so incredibly fortunate to live where I do. My Luna in Second Life asked me to post a picture of Tucson, of getting out, of just generally where I go to escape.

Here I am. I hope it makes you smile.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great day to be outside! Glad you are healthy and happy.
