Friday, March 27, 2020

Hunkered Down in the Desert

I'm working at home, hunkered down in my little casita in the desert. Daily routine is wake up (sometimes touch myself), shower, coffee, read the paper (yes, I still read a real paper), look at online news, check/answer email, go for walk or hike in nearby mountains, login to all my classes, work ... then lunch ... another walk (maybe some core exercises, weights), email, more work, pour wine, cook dinner, stream something fun, touch myself, go to bed.

The good news is I am seeing my neighbors on my walks more than ever. We keep our distance, but catch up on gossip, learn if anyone needs anything like tomatoes or lemons or milk. Everyone seems eager to help because many are bouncing off the walls. Professionals in my neighborhood hate working from home because they miss the socialization at their jobs. I miss going to campus, but am using Zoom, Facetime and Skype to keep in touch with students and colleagues.

I get to see Trouble, my teen neighbor, everyday now too. That is a simple joy.

Be safe, be well, everyone!

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