Monday, March 23, 2020

Another Recycling Monday

It’s recycling Monday. Even so, there are so many neighbors out walking from dawn till dusk because of “social distancing” and “stay at home,” I decided to wear the same shorts and top I did last Monday (see last week). I’m glad I did. I saw four neighbors, more than I have ever seen out that early.

My picture for today reflects the relationship I have with Facebook right now. I am now 16 days away from getting out of Facebook jail. Facebook quarantined me for 30 days for past “inappropriate posts” for which they had already punished me with other lockouts. I know I have complained before, but Facebook is perfectly happy to let the Trump campaign post lies and doctored videos while blocking me from posting the occasional photo with just a touch of naughty bits showing.

I know, I know, we are all disgusted with Facebook. Yet, all of our friends and family are there and it is easier to keep using it than changing to another platform. Damn!

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