Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sheltering in Place

I'm just "Sheltering in Place" in my little casita on the desert. The Arizona governor finally issued "stay at home" directives. It's no real change for me as I'm teaching online, trying to keep my students on track, and just chillin' at home.

My young friend Trouble has expressed an interest in learning about cinematography, so I'm going to get her started on the basics of setting, lighting and sound with her iPhone. It is truly amazing what one can do with an iPhone if the basics of mise en scéne are observed. But I think her interest is in making cute TikToks. At least it will get her out of Minecraft for a while.

I'm reading more, trying to get away from the computer, walking, jogging, riding my bicycle, helping get the community pool ready (it's 84° today). Swim suit season is almost here!

Much love to all my friends. My sentence in Facebook jail is over in 6 days. I think I will keep writing this little blog. I'd be thrilled if anyone "follows" it.

Be safe and be well.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Recycle Monday

I wore one of my favorite Star Wars t-shirts to take the recycle bin out today. It was cool, but warming up quickly as the sun rose higher. There was no one about, so I took a slow stroll over by the pool then a short jog about the complex. If anyone looked, they would have seen an occasional flash that revealed I was sans panties. And being braless, my little breasts jiggled happily. I should say, I hope someone looked. Happy Monday everyone. Stay home, stay safe, be well.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Hunkered Down in the Desert

I'm working at home, hunkered down in my little casita in the desert. Daily routine is wake up (sometimes touch myself), shower, coffee, read the paper (yes, I still read a real paper), look at online news, check/answer email, go for walk or hike in nearby mountains, login to all my classes, work ... then lunch ... another walk (maybe some core exercises, weights), email, more work, pour wine, cook dinner, stream something fun, touch myself, go to bed.

The good news is I am seeing my neighbors on my walks more than ever. We keep our distance, but catch up on gossip, learn if anyone needs anything like tomatoes or lemons or milk. Everyone seems eager to help because many are bouncing off the walls. Professionals in my neighborhood hate working from home because they miss the socialization at their jobs. I miss going to campus, but am using Zoom, Facetime and Skype to keep in touch with students and colleagues.

I get to see Trouble, my teen neighbor, everyday now too. That is a simple joy.

Be safe, be well, everyone!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring flowers today near my casita

Still "social distancing" on my bicycle.

Another Recycling Monday

It’s recycling Monday. Even so, there are so many neighbors out walking from dawn till dusk because of “social distancing” and “stay at home,” I decided to wear the same shorts and top I did last Monday (see last week). I’m glad I did. I saw four neighbors, more than I have ever seen out that early.

My picture for today reflects the relationship I have with Facebook right now. I am now 16 days away from getting out of Facebook jail. Facebook quarantined me for 30 days for past “inappropriate posts” for which they had already punished me with other lockouts. I know I have complained before, but Facebook is perfectly happy to let the Trump campaign post lies and doctored videos while blocking me from posting the occasional photo with just a touch of naughty bits showing.

I know, I know, we are all disgusted with Facebook. Yet, all of our friends and family are there and it is easier to keep using it than changing to another platform. Damn!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Getting Out

Yes, I am "sheltering in place." But those of us lucky enough to live in Tucson, surrounded by mountains, have lots of open space to get out and go hiking right outside our doors. I have been taking long hikes, enjoying the fresh air, wild flowers (and pollen) and soaking up sunshine. It's a great relief from the feelings of being closed in and isolated during this difficult time.

I have a friend who lives in Milan who has shared what her life is like now. It breaks my heart to hear her stories, knowing that some of my friends in the U.S. are now facing the same kinds of fear and restrictions. I know I am so incredibly fortunate to live where I do. My Luna in Second Life asked me to post a picture of Tucson, of getting out, of just generally where I go to escape.

Here I am. I hope it makes you smile.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hunkered Down

Home sweet casita. Staying home. Keeping busy with course work, trying to cancel flights for this spring and summer (no luck getting through to any airlines), household chores, did a four mile jog. It's 75° so I put on swim suit and sunned a while. I didn't get nakie as some neighbors and I decided to clean the community pool. My teen neighbor, Trouble, tells me she is "soooo freakin' bored!" So, I got her into a swim suit to help vacuum the pool. That's harder than it looks, dragging hoses and the vacuum head around. It was good to have her help. It was nice to see her in her tiny bikini too (I know, bad Sparks!). I came back to the casita and cleaned out my lingerie drawer and preened in front of the mirror deciding what to keep and what needs to go. I keep way too much stuff. Gotta keep busy, keep up my spirits, fight off negative feelings and keep in touch with friends and family. It's going to be a long few weeks.

I'll share a naughty story later.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

More Working From Home

As we work from home we all find ways to keep our spirits up as we deal with the isolation and stress of the Covid-19 pandemic. I suspect we all try to focus on work and, at the same time, stay in touch with colleagues via video, messaging and chat. As for me, I have to amuse myself a little while I work too. So, I take breaks and surf the 'Net for news (ugh), fiddle with photos for this blog, maybe watch a little porn, and drop into Second Life for some shopping.

Here's something that might be fun. Take a photo of yourself working from home and share it!

Be safe and be well everyone.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Working From Home Keeping Social Distance

Like so many around the world I'm working from home, staying home mostly (hunkering down), and keeping a six foot "social distance" if I do go out. I'm trying to keep up my spirits, but when I see shelves empty at the supermarket and people buying $600 worth of groceries at a time, hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer, I worry. Why can't people leave a little something on the shelf for those who may not have anything? And I hear gun and ammo sales are skyrocketing. What are people going to do? Protect their toilet paper?

If you are worried about having enough toiler paper, why don't you subscribe to home delivery of a newspaper? You will receive a new supply every day, have something to read on the potty, and thus, be better informed.

Since I am not going out and the weather is warm enough in the desert southwest, I'm working and padding around the house mostly naked. Why put on clothes when you don't have to? My close friends and neighbors are accustomed to me running about in just my skin, but I do keep a beach cover-up handy just in case the UPS guy appears on my doorstep.

Be safe out there and be well.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Recycle Monday

I was planning on going bottomless today to roll the recycle bin to the curb. But when I looked outside, there were four men working on a waterline across the street. I lost my nerve. But, still feeling naughty, I slipped on a tiny pair of shorts and a sheer top.  I rolled the bin to the street with a bounce in my step that made me jiggle. Yes, I preened way too much for the men, but they clearly enjoyed it. I waved and wished them a good morning (buenos dias) and strolled slowly back up the drive way to my casita.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Just Open Up!

Here in the desert southwest we're hoping to contain the coronavirus by "social distancing." It makes a lot of sense to me, staying away from large crowds, closed spaces, and cancelling classes, public performances and the like.  And, I have always generally thought keeping a good sized space between you and people you don't know is a good idea. But that doesn't mean you can't gather with friends for a pizza and a glass of wine, dining alfresco in the cool spring air. I did this last night and opted for a snap front flannel shirt for a little warmth. But, the pizza joint had gas heaters out on the patio so it was warm and toasty. I mentioned that perhaps my shirt was too warm, so one of my friends who knows my occasionally exhibitionist ways, leaned over and unsnapped it for me. The rest of the evening was a delight feeling open and free and exposed. My friends liked it too.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Recycle Mondays

Recycle Mondays - I get my exhibitionist fix by rolling the recycle bin to the curb "bottomless" -- usually wearing just a t shirt or little top that leaves my nether regions exposed. Sometimes people see me, sometimes not. It gets my week off to an exciting start.

I would normally post an edited photo on Facebook (for their prudish censors), but since I'm banned from posting there for 30 days, I'm posting an uncensored photo here of what I wore today.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Spanked by Facebook Again

Yes, Facebook has banned me from posting or commenting for 30 days. I receive a popup when I try that tells me I have violated "Community Standards" 13 times, so they are punishing me. One of my violations was writing "Americans are stupid" in a comment. Facebook said it was "hate speech." Other "violations" are subtle naughty photos that push the envelop a little: a bit of nipple or a slight peek at my girl bits -- only slight. Americans at Facebook are prudes. Anyway, that's the news.