Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Jeep Girl Update

The heatwave blasting Arizona right now is draining my spirit a little. I'm having to get out for my daily hikes at 5 am to beat the oppressive heat. This morning it was already 86° as I headed out the door.

By 5:30 am I arrived at the little desert park near my neighborhood and found Sally, aka "Jeep Girl" busy on her iPhone, as usual. Seeing me she logged out of whatever social media she was on and joined me for a two-mile jaunt.

Over the last few days, we've opened up sharing our frustrations of the pandemic, staying-at-home, anticipation of the school year, and Clorox wipes. Neither of us has seen them in stores since February.  We laugh about things like this easily as our friendship grows.

We are both what she calls "clothes horses." Even hiking in the desert, I told her I like to feel, as Luna Gloaming says, "cute and powerful." I find myself wearing my cutest shorts and tops for our hikes and have noticed Sally might be doing the same.  It is said women dress for other women. Well yes, I sure am.

I haven't told her about my occasional exhibitionist ways yet nor have I mentioned my bisexuality. I sense she is straight as a girl can be, although, to be honest, our sexuality hasn't come up in conversation yet. Soon, maybe.

The problem with hiking with Sally or walking with Trouble recently is frustration. I can't help but be attracted to them both. Trouble is blossoming, but totally out of the question for the obvious reasons. I don't know Sally well, yet I'm attracted sexually, but don't want to blow a chance at a positive, new friendship because I'm horny.

Thankfully, one of my river running friends (with occasional benefits) has invited me to go on a river trip starting up in the backcountry of Colorado next week. We'll be isolated on a river with people from places that have virtually no COVID cases, so we should be as safe anyone can be these days. Getting out to enjoy a respite and an adventure is just what I need.

The river will be warm too, but not like Arizona. I can be happy living in just my river sandals. We'll see.

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