Wednesday, July 1, 2020


And the days roll on. Early morning walks followed by a few minutes on the stationary bike or the rowing machine. Coffee, breakfast, peeks at Instagram, Facebook, email. I try to do a little work on my courses for fall, all online now. Then I try to work on a script I'm developing that is still in the treatment outline stages. Lunch is only a second thought. And this day rolls on.

I'm enjoying getting to know Blue Jeep Sally on sunrise walks.

It's also been fun growing closer to two couples in the neighborhood as we plan our "Burning Man" 4th of July event. It will be a socially-distanced pool party with Zooming. Only 10 people at a time will be at the pool on a rotating basis. When not in the "10" neighbors will stay connected via Zoom. That was my idea! 

Trouble and her mom and aunt are planning some kind of coordinated outfits. I haven't decided what to wear yet, but it will involve goggles and a mask for sure. Going topless would be fun but I will be a good girl and cover-up. Although, I may shoot a few selfies without my top on the patio, just for fun, before the festival begins!

Writing this, now, my mind drifts, my existence caught in doldrums of summer heat and sheltering-at-home. A favorite scene from the film Emmanuelle wanders into my thoughts. My mind's eye sees Marie-Ange sitting with Emmanuelle in swinging wicker chairs, listless in the Thai heat, both wondrously innocent and beautiful. Marie-Ange looks a picture of Paul Newman in a magazine, then allows herself to slip into a sensuous trance and masturbate as Emmanuelle watches.

I've written about this before, I think. I've recreated that scene with lovers, both men, and women, since seeing that film when I was still a teen. I long to do that now, to fall into a waking dream with someone I care for and touch myself and watch them touch as well. There is no pressure, no obligation, no expectation except to share finding pleasure and release, then, perhaps cuddle and nap for a while.

Mutual Can Be Fun! This is an article in British Cosmo about the benefits of mutual masturbation.

1 comment:

  1. The neighborhood Burning Man pool and zoom party sounds fun! Looking forward to thos selfies!
