Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trader Joe's

I posted this on my Facebook page early this morning with the picture above:

I'm going shopping at Trader Joe's this morning before the temperature gets over 100°. Am feeling somewhat naughty, so I think wearing a cute pair of jammy bottoms and a short top will make the trip more fun. I hope they have their Hatch Chili Salsa in stock!

This is what happened at Trader Joe's:

So I'm standing in the check-out at Trader Joe's. When it's my turn to check out, the cashier pulls my basket to the counter, while I wait six feet

away. I hear a chuckle behind me and turn to see an elderly couple gawking at me and whispering. I catch the woman's eye and she says, through her mask, "I used to dress like that!" Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks lifted a bit -- I could tell she was grinning under her mask. Her husband's gaze was glued to my shorts but he looked up as the old woman spoke and gave me a big "thumbs up." I couldn't help it, I had to laugh out loud. I don't know why, I gave them a curtsy, turned back toward the cashier, and stood on tiptoe, leaning forward to emphasize my tush, which was peeking out of jammy bottoms. The cashier was motioning me forward so I moved up to pay. Before I left the store, I turned back with a naughty smile and waved at the couple. They were still staring. That made me so happy, I'm still savoring the kick of being cute and flirty and maybe a little slutty.

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