Saturday, July 25, 2020

Back-to-School 2020

Back-to-School Fashion 2020

Because I will be teaching all of my college courses online this fall, I'll save quite a few bucks on car expenses, lunches, and, above all, new clothes. I've been called a bit of a fashonista (okay, clothes horse), accused of dressing too young (" dress like your students....") and, of course, an exhibitionist (or slut). Seems to me there is not much point in buying new clothes right now if you can't enjoy wearing them out, in public, for everyone to see.

My teen friend, Trouble, is dealing with the prospect of not returning to face-to-face classes this fall too. She told me, "... back to school shopping was something I looked forward to ... mom would let me buy new clothes because I grew out of my old ones. It was fun finding cute outfits." But more than the clothes issue, Trouble is upset about the social issues. "How can I keep my friends? How can I live a normal life if I can't be with my friends at school? We can't go to school, the mall, a movie, nothing!"

Her mom asked me what I thought about the state, perhaps, requiring schools to open and telling students they must attend regardless of the status of virus infections locally. I said something clever like, "it sucks." I wasn't surprised when she asked if I would help home school Trouble if it came to that. Trouble's mom is military and not willing to take any crap from our failed governor in order to boost bar business. And, of course, I'll be home anyway, "Yes, I'll be happy to help teach Trouble."

So there it is. No final decision has been made by local schools except that they will open in August: fully online for now. And Trouble -- apparently with a friend or two of hers -- are my first high school students. Did I mention Trouble insisted two of her girlfriends who are rigidly sheltered-at-home by their families, want in on the deal? I think I have some planning to do.

I'm hoping Jeep Girl might be able to offer some suggestions as she is teaching fully online this fall too.

One thing for sure that is going to be part of the curriculum is "How to Cut Girl's Hair at Home." There are some very good YouTube videos on this!

As for back-to-school fashions, I suppose new masks might be fun. Our school uniforms will probably be shorts and tees and flip-flops, the official Arizona year round go to outfit for women. But, who knows, maybe we can have a weekly dress up day for fun, to help us feel normal and, as Luna says, "cute and powerful."


  1. Flobee 101 follicle Cuts and excess sucks, the rise and fall of the the Home Haircut as a metaphor for Consumer Culture in Pandemic times. 3 credits. Professor M.Leedy
    If your doing home haircuts i think this course might help
    Your Pal Maya

  2. At least they aren't forcing them to school like fucking Florida is. :( BTW, I think the weekly dress up day is a fabulous idea, professor!
