Saturday, June 27, 2020

Locked Up, C-Belt & "The Loophole"

What a strange week it's been. It's been full of so many highs and lows my emotional circuits are fried. I've felt assaulted by the daily dose of the presidential nightmare, appalled by the resurgence of the virus, incensed at the ignorant arrogance of people not wearing masks or social distancing and pissed at the gaggle of chicken shit governors (Trump cocksuckers) who insist on keeping their states open and not requiring masks.

Other than that, things are just dandy. I haven't seen Sally of the Blue Jeep again. But then, mornings have been excruciatingly hot this week. She may have been staying indoors, or visiting the park right at dawn, about 4:30 am. I'll check this week.

And our neighborhood "festival" is postponed until next weekend. Folks wanted more time to prepare. Everyone decided on a "Burning Man" theme, so god knows what kind of outfits we'll see. I understand the guys are talking about kilts. Who knew our group of mostly professional men were into skirts (just kidding, I think kilts are cute). I have to find something to burn.

I mentioned on Facebook I was feeling "Locked Up" and shared the poster of a movie of the same name. I've never seen it, and probably never will, but the art made me smile. The girl has my hair.

Did I mention I feel so celibate lately I may as well be wearing a chastity belt? That thought made me laugh because I find them weirdly fascinating. I did a search for images of women wearing them and was mostly disappointed. I did discover that these days they are primarily used in the BDSM community. No surprise there.

Oddly, some of the chastity belt articles addressed "purity rings" that some Christian high school girls wear now to profess their promise to refrain from having vaginal sex. And then I remembered the Garfunkel and Oates song, "The Loophole."

So here is my contribution today: "Locked In," a chastity belt, and "The Loophole" song. I told you cabin fever is getting to me.


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