Tuesday, June 2, 2020

At Fifteen

My young friend, Trouble, turns fifteen this week. Her birthday reminds me of a night and an experience I had at her age.

At fifteen my high school life was sweet and easy. Good grades and advanced classes were what enabled my parents to give me a free rein. I knew that my personal freedom was dependent upon how well I did in school. So I did well, very well, spending hours on book reports, presentations, and preparing for California's rigid achievement testing.

Learning came easy to me, so I still had a great deal of time to play. It was good to be precocious and promiscuous Honor Society material. I was a genuine straight A slut at fifteen.

On a spring evening that year the performing arts magnet held a dance. Dances were becoming rare in schools then, so my girlfriends and I were thrilled for the chance to dress up and be as cute as we could in the shortest dresses our parents would tolerate.

The best dance partners were always older boys. Sophomore boys had not figured out yet that dancing can be a sure fire way to a girl's heart. My reputation was known, so a few boys were taking notice of me, asking me to dance. But, there was this one olive-skinned boy, a senior, Italian, who caught my eye. Holy moly he could dance! I didn't wait for him to ask me, I asked him to dance. When he moved, his entire body became fluid -- his butt in perfect motion with shoulders and arms that were graceful and oozed strength. God, I wanted him. He liked me too.

He had a car, so we went "parking" up on Mulholland Drive. We were at "third base," or at least I was, with my dress open, my panties down around one ankle, and his finger inside me. He was hesitant to let me open his trousers, but I finally got his cock out, stroking it happily. As I recall, I was kissing him and saying something like, "... love me, darling..." hoping he would mount me.

Then he stopped and looked at me with the most embarrassed look I have ever seen on a man. He quietly explained to me that he was a virgin, a devout Catholic and that he was so sorry, but he could not have intercourse (yes, he said intercourse, not sex or fuck) with me because he had taken a pledge with his priest. He said he loved kissing and touching me, but that is all he would do, although it would be great if  I jerked him off. He was so sincere, so honest. He got to me because I had not thought, until that moment, that a boy would ever not want to fuck me. And he was so sweet about it too! 

I told him I understood and respected him tremendously. Then I blew him.

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