Friday, May 29, 2020

Still Wondering What To Do About My Hair

I meant the hair on my head. But, since I'm staying-at-home with few opportunities for intimacy, I let my normally bald mons pubis sprout. I am trimming and conditioning my little triangle with a combination of a depilatory, moisturizer, lotions and a shaver for a short, groomed look that doesn't show even while wearing a Wicked Weasel. It's fun looking like a grown-up down there again and not looking like a 12 year-old.

As for the hair on my head -- Ugh! I've not had a straightening, style or cut since February. I look like a mop.  I uploaded potential styles on Facebook for when I can finally get to my hairdresser after staying-at-home ends. Here are the looks my GFs liked best.
Most Liked
Luna's Favorite
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention

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