Friday, May 15, 2020

Clothing Optional Hike

If you read me on Facebook you know that I had a wonderful hike to a “clothing optional” creek and waterfall yesterday. The experience renewed my spirit!

Aside from the joy of being out enjoying nature in the buff, I appreciated being with close friends from my university days during this time of sheltering-at-home. I am also so lucky to have neighbors who are friends who can meet at the pool (a safe distance away) or during sunrise walks in the desert. Yes, I know I am exceptionally fortunate.

Therefore, I’ve been doing my best to do what I can for my students, many of whom are having difficulties related to the lock-down and COVID-19. I’ve been sewing masks like mad and have now completed almost 200 for a local medical center and nursing home. And I contribute to the food bank and am supporting Democrat candidates in local, state, and national races. I make phone calls. I Skype, Facetime, and Zoom for my causes. Doing positive things, doing good work helps keep my head on straight. I’m not a goody-two-shoes or as dedicated a volunteer as many people I know. But I’m trying in the ways I know how to make things better overall in my community.

I guess the message today is “get outside” if you can, make contact with a friend, and do something positive. It is helping me get through these tough times.

Finally, those following the thread from my last post, I haven't seen or heard from Trouble yet on finishing the story of the woman who "almost" joined me for nude sun bathing on a river trip. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you making masks, donating food, and to political causes and more.

    I do what I can including being a pain the butt on fb, signing about 10 or 20 petitions or letters to Senators or Reps per day, and donating to politicians and environmental causes.

    And do my part to reduce my carbon and trash and pollution footprint to as close to zero as possible.

    And absolutely, taking positive action really helps me stay sane too. I recommend it to lazy butts reading this. lol

    So, git up and *do* sumpin to improve our world and you'll feel better too!
