Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Morning Walk

This is sort of a reprise of something I posted on Facebook this morning. I couldn't post this photo over there, so here is, essentially, what I wore on my morning walk. I woke up with the sun and the cool desert air beckoned to me. My house guests were still snoozing but I needed to get outside.

Feeling very, very naughty, I slipped on a fishnet top that I usually use as a swimsuit cover-up -- only I skipped the swimsuit. I was thinking it was too early for most of my neighbors to be out, so I braved it.

Whoa! I ran into seven people out walking already! Since the neighborhood practices "social distancing" even while outside, I stayed as far from them as I could. I still wished everyone an energetic "good morning," and waved. It took only two waves for me to realize this made my boobs jiggle and highlighted the fact that I was naked under the fishnet.

I stopped the waving part of my greetings. Yet, I think only three realized I was completely naked under the fishnet.

The exhibitionist in me was thrilled. It took several minutes for my heart to stop pounding when I got back to my casita. Even now, I'm still in my little top, waiting for my house guests to wake up. I think I'll give them a peek before I put on a swimsuit and take a dip in the pool. It's going to be a fun day.

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