Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Semester Done, Time for Fun!

Finals are graded, end-of-semester paper work is done. I'm not teaching this summer and my travel will likely be very limited. But, I'm happy, feeling free, and yearning for an end to social-distancing. But, I'm going to be a good girl and stay home, keeping safe. I think it is #TooSoon to open the country as much as the politicians and business interests want. I am hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.

I'm keeping my spirits up though. I will be increasing my exercise routine, reading time, music time, writing time, and Zoom time with friends -- sometimes with virtual benefits, woo hoo!

I found a little tune for Luna over on Facebook by Garfunkel and Oates to cheer her up. Then, I found this little tune that cracked me up. I hope it makes you laugh too.

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