Friday, September 25, 2020

On the River Part 2

On the second day of the trip, we passed the river "put in" that is the most popular for Labyrinth Canyon. It was here that at least six other groups joined us on the river, four of which were student groups from Utah universities. Up until that day, we had seen only two other canoes on the river.

I knew Utah universities had outdoor activities programs, I didn't think that they would be on the river during the pandemic. Yet, there they were, large groups young 18-22 year olds with no masks and no social distancing. Although the students were largely Mormon, they exhibited the uninhibited behavior of most university students on holiday. I am accustomed to wearing little, or nothing, on the river, but I was not prepared for the young Mormon girls in tiny thong and g-string bikinis that I'd expect to see in Huntington Beach. And it wasn't just a few of the young women exposing themselves so liberally. Most of the girls' tushes were uncovered, tanned, and tight and their breasts were equally exposed.

It took me a moment to appreciate this. It made me smile. The young women were celebrating their bodies, unashamed, flaunting what nature had provided. They were reveling in their skin for themselves and for each other. Steve laughed at me when I mentioned how much I enjoyed seeing the scantily clad girls. He knows I am predisposed to play for the other team more often than not.

On the fourth evening of the trip, I was chopping vegetables with one of the women in our group. We were topless wearing only panties as we often are after bathing and before dinner.  Looking up river, one of these student trips started to pull in on the beach right next to us, much too close. River etiquette requires space between groups for privacy, quiet. 

Without putting on a top, I donned a mask and walked over to where they were landing. Bare breasted, I greeted them and asked that they move further away down the sand bar and to the other side. It was their trip leader, a young stud with rippling abs, that gasped, hemmed, and hawed, his eyes locked on my nipples, who replied. "Oh, yeah, sure, yes ma'am ... we're figuring that out now ... of course." 

"Thanks," I said to him then turned to the group, brazenly arched my back to emphasize my small breasts and shouted to them, "Ya'll have a great trip, be safe!" I waved, which made my breasts jiggle ever so nicely and walked back to my camp.

The students paddled by our camp a few moments later moving to camp down stream. Watching them paddle by, I noticed an interesting change among the girls. Two of them were now topless. Both of them waved at me, grinning. I gave them a big "shaka" sign and they happily returned it.