Monday, August 17, 2020

The Scottish Couple


The Scottish couple at the golf tournament was not as attractive as Jaime and Claire above, but they were both good looking and athletic. "Fit at Forty," was their motto, although they could have easily passed for much younger. For reference, they were the couple with the "kindest roaming hands" the first night of the tourney and the wife was the woman who bought me the lace blouse to wear with my kilt later in the week.

The last night of the tournament festivities seemed more subdued than earlier nights. Maybe people were exhausted. And some people were already leaving town, so there were fewer in the bars and restaurants. I made a point to move around that evening so I could engage as many people I had met that week as possible. Dragon Lady told us sometimes hostesses were given gifts or tips by guests on the last night. She was right, besides some cash, I was given earrings, a necklace, golf socks, and several polo shirts from other golf courses.

Just after 11 pm, my "employment" was over and I found myself having a "nightcap" with the Scottish couple, Glenn and Sorcha (not their real names, of course). The singer/guitarist finished his last set, so the bar became quiet for the first time all week. Glenn and Sorcha were seated on either side of me.

Sorcha spoke quietly, her Scottish accent not quite a whisper, so no one could overhear, "Sparks, you know we've become very fond of you." Glenn nodded.

"I like you guys too," I said.

"By fond, I mean more than liking dear. We are hoping you feel the same way and might be curious enough to join us in our room this evening.

I gulped. "I don't want to assume too much...."

"A threesome, yes," Sorcha said. "But not what Americans call a "threeway. Glenn would like to watch me make love with you, then I would watch him with you."

My mind went blank. I'd been in more than one threeway but had never been asked so utterly politely. I looked from one to the other. Their expressions were part amusement, part hopeful. I felt them, somehow, I felt they had a genuine desire for me. I thought about it and realized that the very idea of being with them made me wet.

"Okay," I heard my self say. "May I use your shower first?"

I spent most of the night with them doing exactly what Sorcha suggested.

Sorcha and I played on the king bed as Glenn watched. He would sit in an armchair he dragged over to the bed or walked around the bed for the best view of whatever interested him at the time.

When Glenn took me, Sorcha, crawled in bed with us, close. She'd whisper to me now and then, something funny about what Glenn was doing to me. And when Glenn rolled me into the doggie position, Sorcha held my hands and kissed me.

In about three hours it seemed like we had more sex than I had experienced in the previous six months. We did all the things couples do from the simple to the silly to the downright naughty.

At 2 am we ordered cheeseburgers and cold beers from room service. We sat together, mostly naked, munching away as if we had known each other for years and years.

They asked me to stay the night, but I wanted to get back to my bed and sleep for 10 hours. They had to be up early for a flight to Las Vegas. As I dressed, Glenn tried to give me five crisp $100 bills, "A gift, a token," he said.

"Thanks, but no, Glenn," I said. Our threesome was genuine fun, among friends. We all felt the honesty of it. It was never about money. Glenn really was just trying to be nice. 

I did get their phone numbers and email addresses. Three years later I saw them again in Scotland and stayed with them for a couple of days. We laughed and enjoyed the memory of our tryst, but didn't repeat it. We were just friends after all.