Wednesday, August 5, 2020

I Was Going to Try It!

If you've read any of my blog posts you know sometimes my exhibitionist side gets the better of me. With COVID-19 the opportunities to show off are limited.

I was going to try an adventure Ellen Arroway suggested on Facebook this week.

When Ellen posted the GIF, I thought about where I might try this given that most venues are closed. I'm extremely careful about where I show off. The place is all-important for safety as well as finding an audience that can appreciate a well-planned flash.

So I decided on a little pizza place that is owned by a family and is run exclusively by the sons and one daughter. They have a setup now where only two people are allowed in the restaurant at a time to pick up pizzas. The family works behind the counter and plexiglass together, all wearing masks. They require customers to wear them too. They all know me and greet me by name. I may have worn a skimpy outfit or two there before the virus, teasing the sons a little.

I popped over for a pizza wearing a dress and a cute little red thong that would have made a perfect mask. My plan was to enter, then make a scene about forgetting my mask, then do the panty trick.

As soon as I got in the door I said "Oh no, I forgot my mask," the owner, a barrel-chested teddy bear of a man, shouted to me, "Free ones by the door, Sparks!" I looked and sure enough, there was a box of masks on a small table. Blushing, I put one of the masks on and picked up my pizza. So much for that adventure.

Still feeling the itch to show off, I wore a very old pair of Wicked Weasel shorts to walk with Sally (Jeep Girl) this morning. She noticed the skimpy shorts immediately but didn't say a word about them for the entire walk.

She did, however, tie a knot in her t-shirt exposing her midriff and rolled the waist of her running shorts down two folds when we got to the arroyo.

I couldn't help but think, "Small moves, Ellie, small moves."

But no, not to worry, we're becoming fast friends. I won't be stupid and go further than that with a married woman. It occurred to me, of course, but women can be "cute and powerful" together without being lovers. Right?


  1. Yes, being cute together and intimacy doesn't always have to include sex. I think lot of what we crave is intimacy... Although the other is nice too when it's right!

  2. As for the panties mask, which place are you going to try next...?
