Monday, December 16, 2019

More Fun with Facebook Censors

Facebook would not let me post this picture. I received a "you will not be allowed to post for 24 hours" message, but I removed it, and can still post. Facebook does not allow pictures of girls kissing girls now? Wow. What do you think?


  1. This is absolutely absurd. Facebook is getting worse and worse as Zuckerberg is being exposed for the Trump shill that he apparently is turning out to be. And with someone as powerful as Zuck controlling what people see, we're in even bigger trouble than I thought--a phrase that seems to be coming from me every single day lately. I'm frankly terrified.

  2. So dumb to block this. Maybe there is an algorithm that gets more n more strict if we post more naughty pix? Or their system is broken.

    The message I get a message saying that I posted 5 pix that violated fb rules. But it was only 2. And I contested 1 of them. Its still under review...
