Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jacking the Bartender

How I Watched the Debate

It was silly fun really -- thanking the handsome young (22) Icelander for opening the bar for Americans so we could watch the Harris-Trump debate at 1:00 AM.

Several travelers in our group, a few other Americans in the hotel, along with a few Canadian guests, begged the hotel to allow us to have a debate "watch party" in the hotel lounge. The desk manager was skeptical until the cute lad who tended bar agreed to open it up for us and find the debate on the bar big screen TV.

Once arranged, our "watch party" group agreed to make it a "pajama watch party." Why get dressed in the middle of the night, right? No one was surprised when we all showed up in flannel pajamas, nightgowns, and nightshirts. I had a little exhibitionist fun wearing a flannel "Star Wars" sleep tee with a pair of pretty pink panties. The bartender mixed up a batch of what he called "rum warmers," hot chocolate with rum, and a touch of Cognac. Yum! The drink made the debate ever so much more fun.

As I mentioned in the Facebook blurb on this, the young bartender absolutely refused any tips for opening the lounge. He said it was a privilege to share the event with Americans, so it was not surprising that he had no use for Trump.

I lingered as people left with the specific intention of doing something nice for the boy. At 22, he was close to the age of most my students and about half my age. It didn't matter. He was cute and fit and funny. I flirted with him shamelessly, but he didn't seem to mind. We sank into a sofa, talking first about the debate, then of America, Iceland, and how different our countries are. It wasn't difficult to notice he was quite aroused sitting so close to me. His athletic sweatpants revealed he was going "commando." His was anything but small.

Not one to be shy, I leaned into him and whispered softly, "I still want to thank you for this evening." I reached into his pants. My little hand was just enough for a good grasp on his cock. Stroking him, I spoke softly, gently sharing how he felt to me and how I longed for him to let loose and enjoy my stroking, teasing, and my hands exploring him here, there, and everywhere.

He relaxed and let me take control, except he wanted to touch my breasts, I think for just a tad of extra stimulus. I made him wait for me to bare the girls until he was close to climaxing. As I sensed him getting close, I took my "Star Wars" top off. That was enough to send him over the edge. I held his cock and aimed his cum to explode onto my boobs and tummy! And wow, did he. I've been cum on before, but this was an absolute flood of jizz. It felt so good and slick and hot all over me. I played with the pearl jam, rubbing it here and there, tasting it, and teasing.

It was late so the exertion exhausted us both. He took a few bar towels, wet them with hot water from the bar sink, and cleaned me up. I used one of the towels to clean him up.

I put my top back on and he tucked himself back into his pants.  With a sweet kiss, I scampered off to bed.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Getting Off on Video for Friends and Lovers












These are companion comments to an article I linked on Facebook today, "Take your nudes up a notch: how to make a hot masturbation video."

Here is what I try to do in my masturbation "selfie" videos.

1. Choose a setting that is attractive and comfortable. Of course your bed, sofa, chairs and such work. But you might have more fun if use an usual setting like a chaise by the pool or a cozy rug by a fireplace.

2. Light your scene as best you can with whatever you have. Your webcam lights can work well. Also, a backlight is great if you can do it. It will give your video depth. Darker lighting can be dramatic, but you want your lover to see you too.

3. If you are going to catch audio (and why not?) make sure your location is quiet. Turn off the A/C. Your iPhone can catch decent audio. I use a pro mike though so I can whisper if I want to.

4. Use a tripod with a phone holder like on a selfie stick. Frame your shot so you show your body and face, as well as between your legs however you move. Whatever you do, don't cut off your head! (I hate that). Your lover wants to see your face and boobs as well as your pussy.

5. Wear something fun to start. Nude is nice, but have some fun starting in an outfit that will make your lover smile.

6. Let the camera roll after you finish to catch your afterglow and your smile.

It should go without saying to be very careful about sharing your video. If you make a video, be absolutely certain you can trust who you share it with.

To get started, you can find selfie masturbation videos on Pornhub and the like. That's where I grabbed the stills at the beginning of this post.

Above all, enjoy! Even if you don't share your video, it can be fun just making it and watching it yourself.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Yes, Facebook Was Right

Now that I reconsider this photo, I suppose Facebook was right to remove it. Honestly though, I have seen naughtier photos on Facebook that show a lot more anatomy than this pic. Cheers!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Schoolgirls and Lingerie



















With average daily temperatures of over 90° in the desert southwest where I live, the annual shrinking of skirts, shorts, tops, and shoes has begun. This week, I started wearing miniskirts, short shorts, and cropped or see-through tops when not at work. For me, this is the season to discover and wear well-considered outfits that are revealing and teasing without looking trashy or slutty.


A very special woman posted the cute cartoon (below) on Facebook this morning. I responded to her post, “This is so true. Great cartoon. All things considered though, if the octopus is nice, educated, well-spoken, and funny, a little cosplay can be fun!” As I wrote this, I thought about how I came to be a shy exhibitionist, a bit of a clothes horse, and a sometimes erotic 










I’ve written here in earlier blog posts that as a tween I discovered I had almost no modesty and took advantage of every opportunity to show off my teen body. At school, like many girls, I rolled up the waist of my skirts to make them as short as possible. I’d trim my cutoff shorts to the point my mom would threaten to burn them if she caught me wearing them anywhere but home. I always had a next-to-nothing scrap of a bikini in my beach bag I’d change into from the mom-approved one I wore leaving the house. It was so small, that it barely covered my budding nipples and the soft fur sprouting between my legs.


As I remembered flaunting myself during my tween through teen years, I had to search my memory for when I began to enjoy cosplay, specifically when it evolved from simply showing off to something more sexual. In 7th grade, I became sexually active. I knew boys liked to look down my blouse, and up my skirt, and wanted to touch all my private parts. Nothing new there. Girls weren’t on my radar yet, I wanted to look nice, like the girls in the movies, so girlfriends would like me. Costumes were still something I wore when I would sing in my dad’s band or on Halloween.


The hit movie “Clueless” was released at this time. Within a few months, the “Cher” schoolgirl look and the Calvin Klein slip dress were ubiquitous among Southern California girls. Of course, I bought into the looks as far as my allowance would take me. Further, I began to see schoolgirl fantasy porn alongside Fredrick’s of Hollywood lingerie porn. It tickled my curiosity.


And then, there was this boy. He was a sweet guy, cute, somewhat popular, straight A’s, and an “apartment” kid, not a rich Hollywood Hills “dripping money” guy. Like me, not rich, but getting along okay. He asked me to an arcade and a mall crawl. Yes, he was older and could drive!


We hit it off. He talked and listened to me. He was generous but didn’t object when I wanted to share some game and food costs. He held my hand but didn’t become all hands like most boys. And when he took me home, he walked me to my door (really!) and gave me one simple kiss -- no tongue! I was smitten a little.


He sat with me at assemblies at school and gave me rides home when he had his dad’s car. We went out a few times for movies, burgers, and hanging out with friends at the mall. Of course, I always tried to look super cute in “Cher” like outfits or twinkie-tight jeans. He always complimented how I looked but did not seem moved by my adoption of the “Clueless” style. We grew closer and our kissing led to some minor fondling, which was lots of fun without “doing it.”


One night, I had our house to myself as my dad took my mom to a gig he had in San Francisco. Against my parents’ prohibition to have boys over when they were gone, I asked the boy over to “watch TV.” As we made popcorn and opened Cokes he asked shyly, “Do you have any lingerie – like a teddy or a baby doll nightie?” I answered before thinking and said something like, “Well, yeah, sure I do.” He seemed almost afraid to speak again but asked, in almost a whisper, “Would you mind putting it on?”

I wasn’t shocked or anything like that but I must have blanked because I wasn’t sure of what to say. He looked at me with hopeful eyes but said nothing more. I liked this boy. And I was not unaccustomed to wearing little in public. All of a sudden it seemed like a great idea. “Be right back,” I said and scampered to my bedroom and put on a short lacy babydoll nightie with matching panties.


It didn’t occur to me until then that my mom ever intended anyone other than family to see me in the babydoll or any of other of the nighties she gave to me in my teens. I think she just wanted me to be cute and girly.


I remember clearly the look on my boyfriend’s face when I twirled into the kitchen and posed for him. He grinned for a moment and I think he stopped breathing. He finally gasped, “Outstanding! Thank you!” I wasn’t sure if he was going to take me in his arms and, well, you know, take me, but he didn’t.


We cuddled on the couch watching TV, munching popcorn. We eventually made out like high schoolers do, feeling each other up, discovering each other’s bodies, and kissing a thousand times. He never tried to take the nightie off of me though. He was ecstatic to see me in it, to run his hands under it, lifting it to expose my breasts, then smooth it again over them. Not only that, but he delighted in teasing me, pulling on the elastic waistband of the bikini panty and peeking into it.


I loved every second of this. Moreover, I decided then and there that lingerie was going to be a big part of my life from now on. I was thrilled by the feel and the flirty exhilaration of wearing something so pretty and so sexual, and by the reaction of my boyfriend.


We dated for a few more weeks before his family moved to Oregon. On every date from that night on, I would wear under my clothes or carry in my purse some pretty lingerie to slip on when I could. Sometimes I’d pop into a teddy in his car as we drove somewhere, then add a pair of shorts later. If we were at a park or the beach, we’d wander away from people so I could wear something revealing or a bra and panty set so he could adore me. One night I was super brave and wore only a mini slip, sans bra and panties, to a movie. My boyfriend loaned me his windbreaker to get past the ticket booth and through the lobby.


We finally “did it” on an evening at his parents’ apartment when they were both away. When we drove there, I wore a longish sweatshirt over the baby doll nightie I wore that first night. At the apartment I pulled off the sweatshirt revealing the nightie, sans panties this time. I stood posing and pulled the nightie up to make sure he saw my perfectly trimmed red bush and said, “Fuck me?” He did.


I was sorry when he went to Oregon. We didn’t stay in touch, I think, because so much of our relationship was based on his lingerie fetish and my complete willingness to please him, that texting or email didn’t appeal.


As time went on, I learned that the “Cher” looks, the schoolgirl looks, the anime cosplay looks, Star Trek and Star Wars outfits, Alice in Wonderland dresses, superhero costumes, and all the others, can be as sexy and as provocative as baby doll lingerie. It’s all a fantasy and in the eye of the beholder.



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sunset by the Pool

Luna Gloaming sent me an AI generated nude image based on photo of me in the desert. She told me the software had issues with rendering "down there" so the photo was waist up. When I got home today, the light was just perfect to take a photo out by the community pool. No AI here, just me, waist down. Enjoy! I won't leave this up long.

 Image deleted.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Facebook Restrictions

 Facebook is putting me on restirictions for the following photo. I appealed the decision once, and they restored the photo and removed my restrictions. When I tried to add it again to a MAYA MONDAY post "Humorous Hotties," Facebook removed it again (after approving it) and put me on restrictions. Thanks Facebook.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

My Passion

 I posted this on Facebook this morning and thought it belongs here too.

I woke up horribly randy this morning and could not stop thinking about fashion, style, and urgent sexuality. My mind was racing and in turmoil. I was exuberantly compelled to write down my thoughts. Here they are.


Friday, February 23, 2024

I found a set of photos of just the dress I want to wear for the "Bare As You Dare" Oscar party March 10th. My friends in the costume shop in the theatre department asked me for all the photos so they can recreate the dress for me. They agreed, this would be an easy design and bulid since there is very little fabric involved! Am looking forward to wearing this. I have just the pair of strappy "fuck me" heels to wear with the dress and, of course, a pair of black thong panties. I'm going to have lots fun come March 10th. Now to figure out what Trouble and Jeep Girl are wearing.











Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Valentine's Day Happy Hour - Updated

What a great week! It started with a terrific Super Bowl and party. My classes were engaging and fun. And, the Valentine's Day party yesterday was sensational on oh so many levels. Wearing my see-through mesh top I thought was heart-pumping enough. But, later in the evening while standing and sipping Prosecco with a few close friends, Trouble sidled up beside me, put her arm over my shoulder, and let her hand caress my breast, as she nonchalantly joined the conversation. My mind and my body internally exploded, then melted and I was dizzy, weak-kneed. Trouble left her hand on me for some time, fondling gently. My friends noticed, of course, but simply smiled as we chatted.
Trouble and I did not talk about it later or even today. It was just a stupendously naughty, magical, and fleeting moment of affection. Life is good. Life is love.