Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Of Course, I Do!

Well, shucks. A very good friend of mine -- those who read this blog will likely know who -- thought the nude photo I posted was not particularly a good one. She feels it was too "in your face" or "not very artistic." So, down it goes. The photo below was the teaser I posted on Facebook.

I'll replace this photo with a better one in the not too distant future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Classic beauty. Masterpiece.

  3. Only a genuine Pharaoh from the wonderful land of Pharaohs and Magic who knows how to appreciate the beauty and freedom of a woman now that he inherited that gene from his ancestors the Pharaohs who admired the woman and even made her a God. Please check your FB messenger you've got a message waiting along with my hopes and wishes, who knows may be it comes true someday.
    Amr ... your genuine Pharaoh friend from far away ;)
