Sunday, October 24, 2021

I'm Not Bad...

I have the wondrous good fortune to be in Hawaii with close, long time friends. There are now four groups of us who know each other from our University years and work in the film industry. We are reveling in our good health, all of us having the escaped the scourge of COVID-19 and now being fully vaccinated. We're a careful crew. We care. We're safe. We're also wildly sexual on so many levels.

We have used the words promiscuous, sluts, horn dogs, exhibitionists, etc., to describe ourselves in the past; but those terms are generally derogatory and do not express who we are and what we are about properly. We are simply ravenous in our sexual appetites and openly express them with each other. After not having opportunities to share over the past year and a half, our Hawaii adventure is a Dionysian dream.

Over the past week and a half twelve of us have shared our affections for each other in so many simple, kind, loving, and sexual ways. I've personally experienced three men having me at once, several women bathing, massaging, touching, and licking each other, together, at midnight around an ocean side pool. Knowing my exhibitionist tendencies, my friends have teased and challenged me to display myself in clever and thoughtful ways privately and in public, while always, always being careful not to offend. I've challenged my friends too to express their sexual ways and fetishes too. Very often, we have all had multiple orgasms during the course of a day.

Even now, as I typed this, one of our guys walked up behind me and playfullly laid his cock on my shoulder. I turned and kissed the lovely hard on, promising my friend he could have my mouth when I finished this post.

So it goes. I'm not bad. I'm just fortunate to have friends and lovers who share my desires.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Ice Cream Sunday


Last Sunday I attended a small "patio party" with a good friend (yes, with benefits). A senior professor I know has a wonderful open desert home that is as much patio as indoors. She invited a small group of 10 people over for a sausage grill and feta feast.

She encouraged "considered casual attire" so my date and I wore both wore short, summery party dresses with strappy little sandals. We looked good together as we are both fit and deeply tanned.

As the evening progressed, people and couples grouped and ungrouped here and there for conversations or wandered about the large, lovely patio section of the house.

My date and I were strolling around the patio with cups of homemade ice cream provided by one of the guests. Coconut laced with a dark rum, yum! Sitting on a garden wall with a view of the city lights, I mentioned how the coconut and rum seemed to make the ice cream "colder" than normal ice cream. My date agreed as she took a spoonful of the ice cream and kissed me full on with icy cold lips and tongue.

It was a delicious new sensation that immediately triggered my usual, over-the-top naughty mind.  I dropped to my knees and gently spread my date's legs. I wasn't surprised she was sans panties as this is a practice we share when we go out. I took a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth and pressed my mouth against her labia and her little clit. She somehow managed to stifle a scream and wiggled with complete delight. Then we heard applause.

Four of our friends had gone to an upstairs balcony overlooking the back patio, had been watching us, and were now clapping enthusiastically in appreciation for our antics.