Thursday, December 28, 2023

Is Exhibitionism a Kink or a Fetish?

 Some friends asked me to this up regarding my exhibitionist tendencies.

There can definitely be some overlap between a kink and a fetish so we understand the confusion. Rosara Torrisi, PhD from the Long Island Institute of Sex Therapy, breaks down the difference as “whether it's something someone likes to do (kink) or if it’s something someone has (fetish) to do in order to have sexual pleasure.”

So my exhibitionism is a kink. (Whew!)To be clear, I do not have exhibitionist disorder. Exhibitionism is described as the sexual desire to be watched, particularly during sexual activity, but shouldn't be confused with disordered behavior, a condition that causes someone to compulsively expose their genitals to unsuspecting passersby, typically in a public setting. I have no interest in that.

When exposing myself to others, I always make sure the people I am flashing are adults and likely to be open to the experience. I choose venues carefully to ensure my activities won't prompt immediate calls to security or the police. I try to gauge the potential audience for openness, fun potential, and either female or male, if the person I am flashing finds me interesting or attractive, or if I find them attractive. Often, I try to ensure people are aware that I am occasionally shooting photos and that my behavior is part of a naughty photo shoot. And, I try to get a girlfriend to flash with me, solo or duo. In any case, if I don't feel completely confident in the environment and the people around me, I don't do it. A girl could get in real trouble is she does not practice this kind of safety.

While in California for Christmas, a long time girlfriend of mine and I took a day to roam the beach areas of Venice Beach and Santa Monica for some public flashing fun. We also shot some naughty video in stores and dressing rooms. Sorry, I won't post our work here -- we both have jobs we could lose if we were identified. But, here's a few photos of the kinds of things we did.

This is not much of a holiday blog post, but I wanted to put something up for the end of the year.