Monday, October 16, 2023

Two Girls in Tivoli Park











 in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana, I rested from a brisk walk from the three bridges of the central city to consult my city map. I tried to concentrate on the map, but the parade of fascinating people through the park kept me peeking over my sunglasses and the map, to ‚ “people watch‚” without being obvious.


It was then I spotted two teen girls, emerging from an apartment building and rushing into the park, hand in hand, in what I might describe as a giggle fit. They were free, entirely happy, and beyond energetic. They stopped just across a patch of grass from me, well out of sight of the apartment from which they had appeared.


Both girls were probably 14-15 and dressed similarly. One of them, with long dark hair and big, dark eyes, was wearing a pair of low-rise jeans with a wide belt over the top. She removed the wide belt, unfastened the buttons of the jeans, and folded them down to where it was clear she had no underwear on. If she had any, her pubic hair would have been clearly visible because I could just barely glimpse the drop of her mons and, maybe, a hint of her slit. She added the belt again, which marginally met the folded-down top of her jeans.


It was the blonde’s turn to convert her pants to lower-rise. I say lower because her pants were a pair of gypsy or parachute pants already low-slung on her tiny hips. She untied the drawstrings of the patterned pants and rolled the top down several times, so they were as low as friend’s. Tying the drawstrings tight, she turned to model the results and revealed a subtle, but extremely teasing bit of tush cleavage. The dark-haired girl heartily approved.


They held hands, looking at each other, giggling as teens do. Their exuberance became an explosion of mirth and unleashed energy, as they began what I can only describe as a youthful happy dance, jumping and kicking and twirling in a circle together. Their joy, at that moment, was infinite, thrilling and emotionally overflowing with their bodies and how they expressed themselves in their lowest-rise, revealing looks.


When they settled down, they strutted off through the park, holding hands, their long, thin, and youthful torsos exposed and small breasts beaming like their smiles.


The entire incident only took a few moments as they seemed practiced, knowing exactly what they needed to do to go from cute teens to confident teasing teens. Those few moments are burned into my memory though because I remember that kind of exploration and joy of discovering myself, my body, and how I present myself to my world. In my mind, I said,” Good luck, girls. The world is waiting for you.”


And, no, I didn’t dare try to catch a photo of the girls. Had I been discovered it would have ruined the moment entirely.