Sunday, October 30, 2022

I'm Not Bad, I Just Like To Go Slutty Sometimes

October has been a crazy month for me. I was going to wait until after Halloween to post to this blog but friends asked me to embellish a quick blurb I wrote on Facebook regarding a night out with friends.


Several film and theatre friends joined Jenny and me in attending a play described as "A visceral blend of classical mythology and real-life stories told by street kids." Being so close to Halloween, it seemed the perfect venue for wearing my “street slut” look. The outfit is simply a super short and tight little red dress, thigh-high fishnet stockings, and a pair of acrylics “fuck me” heels.


My outfit earned me many salacious stares and a copped feel or two. Jenny wore a black silk jumpsuit, unbuttoned to her navel, and black strappy heels, so we were, if I say so myself, the sexiest couple in our group. And that is saying quite a lot as all of us were dressed as naughty as we dared as that was the order of the evening.


After the play, we dropped by a great little bar in the university area that is totally solar-powered and caters to the astronomy culture, associated science types, and a few geeks as well. It’s a wonderful little place with an open and liberal-minded clientele.


Our group made a beeline for our favorite patio table in a corner that is somewhat private, at least more so, than the rest of the tables. We knocked down two pitchers of margaritas in short order and were feeling a little buzz, just enough to make us warm and fuzzy, and flirty.


I’m a bit unsure how it happened, but the group decided that I was the “sluttiest” of the night and therefore deserved a good spanking. I think my friends were being generous as most of them know I like a gentle, loving spanking from time to time.


Jenny took the lead telling me to stand up, put my hands on the table, and bend over, which I did eagerly, ensuring my tush was pointed away from the main area of the patio. Each person at the table was allowed two or three swats at my partially exposed tush and an inch or two of zettai ryouiki between the tops of my stockings, the hem of my dress, and the flimsy lace of tiny bikini panties. Most spankers were kind, offering mostly gentle swats between a few zingers!


Finally, it was Jenny’s turn. She gave me a funny wicked look and pushed my head down a little to emphasize my raised rear end. I think she looked around the patio to make sure no one was paying too much attention (some were, but not overtly) then lifted my dress just enough to pull my panties down a few inches.


She laughed out loud as she discovered I was wearing a little red jeweled butt plug. She gave me three quick, hard swats. Still giggling, she thumped my plug a couple of times and pulled my panties up declaring, “Happy Birthday” for the benefit of the onlookers on the patio.


I sat down, warmed by the love of understanding good friends, a naughty, public spanking, and a couple of margaritas.