Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Temporary Tattoo for New Year's Eve

I found some lovely temporary tattoos recently that are supposed to be good for about a week. I put this on my chest today for New Year's Eve. I'll go bra less with an open blazer and wear a pair of low rise leather pants that expose just a touch of red and about two inches of tush cleavage.

Happy New Year!

Click for full size

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Holes (explicit photo removed)

 I posted a cropped version of the photo below on Facebook as a Christmas tease/gift to my friends (photo was only available for a few days). One of my dearest friends asked, “Is the full pic posted on your blog?” I replied “…the original is explicit, one of my most personal, naughtiest ever. I'm not sure I want it ‘out there’ even on the blog.”


When I started high school, around 2001, my exhibitionist tendencies were evolving. I developed the rascally little habit of flashing my panties under my skirt if anyone would simply ask, “May I see your pussy?” As I grew older, that included times went I went commando, which was frequent. To this day, if anyone has the nerve to ask, I’ll flash them. It’s impish fun!


If you’ve read this blog, you know that my virginity was a thing of the past at age twelve. By fourteen, I was hopelessly promiscuous. Porn was easily accessible, so I, foolishly, began to believe that the stuff the women were doing in adult videos was normal sexual behavior. I experimented with letting girls, and sometimes guys, access all of my body’s openings with their fingers, tongues, and toys. It took a while, but I learned, often the hard way, that there are safe and good ways and not-so-safe and bad ways to have sexual fun filling my holes.


I was lucky though. My experiences with lovers putting things in my mouth, vagina, and bum, were often positive. I came to enjoy the fullness of penetration in all my holes as fun and pleasurable with the right partner.


I decided to post this photo to satisfy my exhibitionist desire to share my body – including my holes -- with my friends. I won’t leave it up long, so consider it a short-lived Christmas gift. In a way my friend who asked “… is the full pic on your blog,” said the magic question, “May I see your pussy?” The answer is yes … and more.


Be well, be safe, get vaccinated, and wear a mask this Christmas.


Sparks Bravin, Huntington Beach, CA, December 25, 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021

Finding Peace and Joy – Christmas 2022


As Howard Beale says in the film Network, “I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad.” He goes on to explain why (link).


Howard’s words ring true today. We all know the reality and politics of COVID, the big lie, climate change, voting rights, gun violence, police violence, immigration, and abortion laws – along with all of our other personal issues – are out-of-control. So how does a person find peace and joy this Christmas?


Although I am with family and friends this Christmas, I am essentially “alone” in that there is no special “other” in my life right now, and I don’t have children, or dog or a cat, or anything that depends on me. It’s just me this year and I find that liberating, calming.


The Roman philosopher Seneca proposed that finding peace and joy in life comes from imagining the worst that can happen, dealing with it emotionally and intellectually, then moving on (okay, greatly simplified). That is what I have done. During my drive to California and over the last few days I have daily considered the horrid problems of the world and the confusing, but not-so-horrid elements of my life right now. You should know that was shattering at first, yet, it became easier. The more I visualized the potential catastrophes, the ultimate horrors, that might await the U.S. and the world, the more I realized that my fear, my anger, and my anxiety offered no solutions, no peace, and no joy.


As popularized as these words have become, I realize how powerful and true they are: “Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” (Yoda, in The Empire Strikes Back).


I considered what I fear. I considered how angry I have become. I considered what I have come to hate, and yes, I do hate some things with a black heart. Following that path of thought, I again thought of Yoda’s words, “Named must your fear be, before banish it you can.”


I know, I know. You’re thinking I’m an immature Star Wars geek looking for life’s answers in a movie. Maybe. However, when I think of Seneca and imagining my worst fears and how to deal with them, I have to believe George Lucas read him, along with Joseph Campbell, and updated (simplified?) the concept.


To deal with my fear and my anger I took long drives, long walks, did deep breathing, yoga, listened to good music, drank good wine and coffee, put on pretty clothes, and touched myself quite a lot.


I’m alone this Christmas, with my friends and family, close, but not too close. It is exactly what I needed this year. Being with them is helping me find peace and joy as I quietly face my fear and anger. I am stronger and more positive about facing the certain troubles of the next year.


I hope my little story helps you find your way to peace and joy.