Friday, November 19, 2021

Naughty But Nice

One of my girlfriends from California is visiting on her way to see family for Thanksgiving. We have been partners in crime for any number of naughty goings-on over the years, including taking fun photos of ourselves flashing in public. We don't flash anyone except each other and the camera for our own chuckles. Of course, if someone sees us doing it, well, that's just part of the fun. These photos are not us, but will give you an idea of the thrills we get spreading or legs, not hate!


Saturday, November 13, 2021

No Penalty for Facebook 1st Offense.

I suppose Star Inara should have known this image would be censored by Facebook. Fortunately, it was her first ever infraction, so she was not penalized.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021



After graduating from USC, I kicked around Hollywood working my way into any production company or studio that would have me. It was exhausting, working as an assistant for anything I could get, struggling to earn enough to keep from the embarrassment of moving back home. The few times I wasn’t hustling production work or waiting tables somewhere, I’d drive down to San Diego where a few of my friends had landed broadcast jobs in the television market. The trip became my preferred, and cheapest, mini-vacation.


On one such trip, I was at one of my friend’s place enjoying drinks on the little patio of his apartment, when, as usual with this group, we began talking about our sex lives. We had all been close at USC, straight, bi, gay, it didn’t matter, everyone was completely open about their sexuality, a source of pride in our group.


But there was one new guy with us, a friend’s friend, who was in the Navy. He had just returned from a “cruise,” as he called it, to the Middle East. He told us he had been on board ship for about 9 months without a break and hadn’t had sex during the entire deployment.


Murmurs of sympathy followed as we changed the subject.


Two plates of nachos and a couple of shots of tequila later, our host stood up and announced, “I think Sparks should give our Navy man a ‘mercy fuck.’”


I’m not speechless very often, but I sure was at that moment. Everyone laughed except the sailor. Then one of girls piped up, “Why Sparks?”


Our host said, “Because she has already slept with everyone else here.”


We all looked around. It was true. At USC and during the two years since, I had been with each of them, male and female. Most of my friends had been with one or the other, but I was the only one with a full scorecard.


“Well hell,” I said. Grabbing my iPhone and a small packet from my purse, I took the sailor by the hand and led him to my host’s bedroom.


“Sparks, you don’t have to do this …” he started to say, so I cut him off. “I have an idea, just lay down on the bed,” I said, and set up my iPhone on the dresser.


I was wearing a short little summer dress, and was barefoot, so I made a show of slipping off my panties to let him know I meant business. He seemed to be in a bit of shock, but grinned as I straddled him, opened his jeans, and pulled out his cock. A couple of strokes, followed by my sliding a condom on him with a deep dive into my mouth, brought the sailor to full attention.


“Here we go,” I whispered, as I gathered moisture from my wet cunt, and, despite his considerable size, slid him deep inside me in one thrust. It didn’t take long, a couple of minutes at most, of my riding him like a bucking bronco, for him to arch his back, moan loudly and unload his pearl jam into me and the condom. He caught me by surprise, pulling me to him and delivering the most grateful kiss I have ever had.


I scampered to bathroom for quick clean-up and a hot, wet towel for the sailor. As he toweled off, I picked my iPhone up and stopped the recording. We rejoined our friends, all smiles, sharing the warm glow of the silly and sexy encounter.


I never shared the recording, but still have it in a locked folder on my backup drive. Sometimes, when I need a lift or to make myself smile, I watch it. It was my first “mercy fuck,” but it wasn’t, and I hope, will not be my last.