Tuesday, February 18, 2020

On Deck!

In the summer of 2008, a girlfriend and I got jobs on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. My dad had connections in the music industry and helped me land the gig.
In the late evenings, after performances, dances and such when most of the passengers were passed out in their cabins, the production cast or “performers,” would sneak to a closed bar on an open deck and party. We’d drink, sing, dance, tell stories and just gaze up at the stars. It was especially nice if the ship was steaming overnight to the next port.

One warm summer night, I was partying with a guest band that had joined the cruise in Athens for a week going to the popular Greek Islands – Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes, Crete. The band played rock, pop, and, of course, a few Greek tunes so people could try to learn the Zorba dance.

The drummer of the band, a dark and handsome Brit/Indian guy, took an immediate interest in me. I think my red hair and the painfully girly sundress I was wearing had something to do with it. We flirted through the evening, drinking, flirting, dancing until quite late. By the time everyone switched from Ouzo to bottled water to rehydrate and prevent hangovers, only a few of us were at a table, laughing and talking. My drummer stood up, said good night to all, and simply held his hand out to me. I took it and followed him.

He led up to one of the very top decks of the ship, where the “adult” pool was. It was completely deserted, closed until dawn. He found a few chaise mats and laid them on the deck making a futon like a nest for us. He kissed me, teased me, and fondled me. And I kissed and teased fondled right back. We moved slowly, both lulled by a little too much Ouzo and the lateness of the hour. I felt him turn me over and pull my tush up as well as the skirt of my sundress. He didn’t undress me, but pulled my panties off, teased me into the doggie position, and slipped inside me.

He was a firm, but gentle, and just aggressive enough lover, to own my body for that time. I was in heaven! Being made love to (well, okay being fucked) under the stars on a ship in the Greek Islands by a dashing and mysterious musician I had just met! What could possibly be better?

I found out. As I was settling, my body accommodating my lover’s thrusts, I looked about the pool area. All around us, under the sun-screens that made shade during the day, were deck chairs, small tables and such. Seated on the deck, hidden between the chairs and chaise loungers, were about 10 members of ship’s crew -- watching us! They were smiling, nodding approval I think, and some of their bright eyes connected to mine.

What could I do? I darn sure didn’t want to stop – god, my drummer felt so good inside me. So, I smiled back at the crew, looking right at them, letting them know I liked them watching us. And that sent me over the moon! I totally lost control. I had not before, nor since, experienced an orgasm quite like I did that night in my little sundress.

Afterward, during a little aftercare and cuddling, the crew silently slipped away below decks. Over the next few days, when I would encounter certain crew members, I would be greeted with huge smiles and bright eyes. So, I pretty much could tell who was watching that night. And, you know, I grinned right back, as happy as I have ever been.